False Comfort

Nathan may have received comfort from Tracy in this scene, but we all know what happened next: she offered her services to Arthur.

The Old Days

In the episode "Villains," Peter and Nathan attended their parents' anniversary party. These were the good ol' days, weren't they?

Nathan, in Black and White

Nathan is just a U.S. Senator so far on season three of Heroes. But is the White House in his future?

Suspicious Brothers

Future Peter wasn't sure what to do with Nathan on the show's season premiere. But the new senator's faith in God may have saved his life.


Nathan is about to get shot in this image from the season two finale. Do you wanna tell him or should we?

Nathan Petrelli Promo

Gun shots are nothing for Nathan Petrelli! The character is seen here in a promo for season three, proving that he's returning for "Villains."

Nathan Petrelli Pic

Looks like Nathan Petrelli survived that gun shot. This is a promotional shot of the character for season three.

Nathan Petrelli Photo

Here's a great picture of Nathan Petrelli.

Fatal Press Conference

This may have been the last time we see Nathan alive. Unless his daughter's blood can save his life.

The Voice of Reason

In what appears to be his final act, Nathan convinces Peter to turn on Adam. After all, he's not a nice guy.

A Final Photo

Was this really the last we see of Nathan Petrelli? You never know in the universe of Heroes.

Nice Save!

Peter rescued his burnt brother from death. Later, he helped save his life in another way, as well.

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys