Bathroom Chats - Minx Season 2 Episode 2

Joyce goes out of her way to try a nab a famous writer whom she wishes to write for Minx during Minx Season 2 Episode 2.

Looking At Film - Minx Season 2 Episode 2

Richie and Joyce find themselves on the floor looking through film on the latest Minx Season 2 Episode 2.

Sign On The Dotted Line - Minx Season 2 Episode 1

Joyce looks ready to sign on the dotted line as the search for a publisher continues on Minx Season 2 Episode 1.

Richie & Joyce Team Up - Minx Season 2 Episode 1

Richie and Joyce team up on a glamorous photo shoot on the latest Minx Season 2 Episode 1.

Minx Quotes

Richie: Some crazy rich lady tracked me down. Offered me a lot of money to take boudoir shots for her. She wants the Minx touch.
Joyce: What? Richie, no. That's beneath you.
Richie: I'm wearing an apron, ogling my godson. Don't tell me what's beneath me.

Reporter: You've had quite the ride, Ms. Prigger. How do you make it look so easy?
Joyce: Well, the real question is, why do men make it look so hard?