Partners Shake

Walt and Jesse bid farewell in this scene from the season four finale. We have a feeling they'll find their way to one another again, though.

An Adventure in Mexico

Jesse, Gus and Mike make their move in this photo. The trio is exiting the cartel's party in a violent manner.

Jesse P

Get the eff out! Deceived by Walt, Jesse beat him up and then threw him out on the episode "Bug."

The Stare of Gus

Few man can do so much with one stare. Gus looks on in this Breaking Bad photo.

Jesse Pinkman Pic

Jesse is continuing to work with Mike on season four of Breaking Bad. Much to Walt's chagrin.

Jesse in Trouble

Jesse doesn't seem to care if he lives or if he dies. But Breaking Bad viewers want to see as much of Aaron Paula as we can.

Jesse Pinkman Partying

This is how Jesse Pinkman is dealing with his lowest life point: by partying the pain away.

Jesse Pinkman Photo

Jessie Pinkman from Breaking Bad looking upset from all the chaos going on in his life.

Breaking Bad Quotes

You're the smartest guy I ever met, and you're too stupid to see he made up his mind 10 minutes ago.


I watched Jane die. I was there, and I watched her die. I watched her overdose and choke to death. I could have saved her, but I didn't.
