Gangster Sing Along - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

Learning the truth led Joe, Stein, and Malcolm to burst into "More I Cannot Wish You." Their positive responses may have been a ruse for their children, but it was win-win for us hearing them sing.

"Dads?!?!" - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

After convincing Iris and Mon-El to tell the truth, Barry accompanied Iris home, and learned not only was Joe her father, so was Stein! Needless to say, Barry's shocked reaction led the men (and Iris) to jump to the wrong conclusion about his motives. Barry reminded them that he loved musicals.

Kara and Barry are not amused by their loves - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

Our superheroes received quite a shock when they find the alternate versions of Iris and Mon-El locked in a romantic embrace. It turned out the two were in love and hiding it from their mobster father's. Kara's "gross" said it all.

"Call me Martian Manhunter" - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

Back in the real world, Team Flash and Team Supergirl were tracking the Music Meister. Cisco and Wally prepared to go after him, but hesitated to bring J'onn. He transformed to his true self in order to make his case.

The Waiting Game - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

Wally, Iris, and Barry are on standby as they wait to see how Caitlin fared. Do their expressions seem optimistic?

Julian and Iris Scrub In - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

As Team Flash stands by, Julian and Iris operate on Caitlin. Will they be able to save her?

Gather the Team - The Flash Season 3 Episode 18

After she's injured, Team Flash rushes to Caitlin's side. Judging by their faces, things don't look good for her.

Can Iris Save Barry? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

Maybe a better question would be, does she want to? We know alternate realities are not always happy places for our favorite couple.

Now what? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

Iris and Mon-El keep a close watch over their loved ones. Can Team Flash find a way to bring them back?

Backup arrives! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

Of course Iris, Joe, and Professor Stein are likely there to perform rather than save the superheroes from their musical prison. It's hard not to love the stylish looks of this villainous world.

What now? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

A team full of scientists seems like the right place to bring Supergirl for help. But judging by the looks on everyone's faces, the solution will not be a simple one.

Doppelgangers? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 16

Judging by the lighting, this looks like it's happening in the speed force. The last few times Barry met Joe's doppelganger, he wasn't a huge fan of the speedster. Will he have better luck with this version?

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
