Elsbeth Seems Happy Season 1 Episode 5

A scene from the Elsbeth episode titled Ball Girl.

Elsbeth walking next to Wagner - Horizontal - Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 5

Elsbeth smiles while walking with a serious-looking Wagner

Elsbeth sitting on ball - horizontal - Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 5

Elsbeth is sitting on the ball while watching Cliff and the detective talk

Elsbeth and cliff shaking hands - horizontal - Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 5

Elsbeth and Cliff shake hands while the detective looks on

Elsbeth thinking in pink plaid - tall - Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 5

Elsbeth with something on her mind while wearing pink plaid

Elsbeth standing next to kaya - tall - Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 5

Elsbeth looking intently with Kaya to her side holding evidence

Elsbeth staring at evidence - tall - Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 5

Elsbeth hunched over staring intently at the evidence in Kaya's hand

Elsbeth Horizontal Season 1 Episode 4

A scene from the Eslbeth episode titled Love Knocked Off.

Margo Cannot Believe It - Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 4

Things turn deadly when elite matchmaker Margo Clarke (Retta) goes to extreme lengths to keep her socialite client from finding out the truth about her perfect new husband.

Elsbeth is Shocked Season 1 Episode 4

Things turn deadly when elite matchmaker Margo Clarke (Retta) goes to extreme lengths to keep her socialite client from finding out the truth about her perfect new husband.

Elsbeth Looks Back Season 1 Episode 4

Things turn deadly when elite matchmaker Margo Clarke (Retta) goes to extreme lengths to keep her socialite client from finding out the truth about her perfect new husband.

Margo Is In a Magazine - Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 4

Things turn deadly when elite matchmaker Margo Clarke (Retta) goes to extreme lengths to keep her socialite client from finding out the truth about her perfect new husband.

Elsbeth Quotes

Officer Blanke: Is Smullen expecting you?
Elsbeth: Oh, I don’t think anyone is expecting me.

Olivia: I don’t care what you say, I’m going to the Dean.
Alex: Olivia, I am not the enemy. Please don’t go to the Dean, you will have me canceled.
Olivia: Don’t put this on me. You are the one sleeping with his students.You canceled yourself.