Bus Rides - Tall - Black Cake Season 1 Episode 3

A lonely Covey takes the bus through another city as she ponder where she goes next in Black Cake.

Island Besties - Black Cake Season 1 Episode 3

Covey and Bunny are best friends with each other, as their worlds evolve after a series of events.

A New World - Tall - Black Cake Season 1 Episode 3

Covey must navigate a new life in a new world and country when she flees Jamaica for London and Edinburgh.

Covey, the Bride - Black Cake Season 1 Episode 2

Covey is still reeling from a marriage that she's not committed to during Black Cake Season 1 Episode 2.

Island Girl - Tall - Black Cake Season 1 Episode 3

Covey enjoys her time in her homeland and spends time with a boy she loves, but things change for her.

Lin and Covey - Tall - Black Cake Season 1 Episode 1

Lin has a discussion with his daughter, Covey, when a storm hits Jamaica and they experience difficulties.

Depressed Bride - Tall - Black Cake Season 1 Episode 1

Covey is upset that she's been set up to be married to a man she doesn't love in the series premiere of Black Cake.

Lost and Alone - Black Cake

Covey feels all alone as she processes what she has experienced in a new land during Eleanor.

Black Cake Quotes

I will never forget when it happened, the look on my father's face when he had realized what he had done. He had sold his little girl.


Eleanor is not my real name, B and B. There are people who have spent their entire lives wondering what happened to the girl I used to be. And when this is over, after you have heard the truth in full, I want you to find those people and tell them.
