Gabriela Perez is Jake Crawford's ex and Bode Leone's current love interest. She's also a firefighter and the daughter of fire captain Manny Perez.

Gabriela is played by Stephanie Arcila.

Gabriela Perez Quotes

Eve: Gabs, your dad said the daddiest dad joke of all time. I go good job putting out the fire. He said...
Manny: We fame to please.
Eve: He -- no. Boo.
Gabriela: Stop.
Manny: What do you think, Jake? Does that joke belong in the Hall of Flame?
Eve: Oh no.
Gabriela: No.
Manny: Come on.
Eve: Boo.
Manny: Come on. That was good.
Gabriela: Dad.
Manny: That was good.
Gabriela: No.
Jake: Yo, Eve. You and your crew are on mopup, okay?
Manny: Guess he doesn't like my jokes.
Eve: I'm a little worried about Jake. You know, it's been like a month since Cara passed. And he hasn't taken any time off.
Gabriela: That's how he's dealing with his grief.

Gabriela: You being able to own your own issues and work through them, Dad, that's what I admire most about you.
Manny: Well, that's good because here's a big one. Your mom didn't abandon us.
Gabriela: Dad, that's not--
Manny: She left me. Not you.

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Fire Country Quotes

I've dislocated my shoulder but still operational. I'm going to make contact with the patient.


Bode, you were gone for so long, we assumed you were dead. I'm done worrying about you.
