Celina Juarez is a quirky, unorthodox rookie with a special bond with Nolan, her training officer.

She has strong beliefs in luck, fate, horoscopes and generally operates more off of intuition than the traditional facts.

She's a great officer with good instincts, and was inspired to pursue law after her sister's abduction and murder when she was younger. It's something that has deeply impacted her agoraphobic mother and her relationship with her.

Celina is close with the other rookie, Aaron Thorsen.

Celina Juarez Quotes

Harper: There are no cheat codes with me. I am an enigma wrapped in a badass riddle. You got that, boot?
Celina: Yes, ma'am.

Celina: Are you nervous?
Nolan: Nope.
Celina: Last shift before the wedding.
Nolan: Yup.
Celina: but you're still not nervous?

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The Rookie Quotes

I love Rookie Day. It’s Christmas and the Purge in one.

Officer Bradford

Stacy: Happy Divorce Day!
John: That’s not a thing.
Stacy: It should be. When mine went through I took the boys to Disneyland.
John: I’m not really feeling the Matterhorn.
Stacy: Try and look at this as an opportunity.
John: Right now I’m just trying to remember to wear pants.