Mayor of Kingstown Exclusive Clip: Mike Warns Konstantin Not To Mess With Him!

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With many series wrapping up with their season finales, fans have gravitated to shows that are still going or just starting for the season.

Mayor of Kingstown is on its third season and fans are loving every minute of the unique show and its leading man.

Most Jeremy Renner fans worried that there wouldn't be another season -- or it would get delayed -- after Jeremy had a horrible snow plow accident that led to the celebrity having over 35 broken bones.

Mike Lays It Down - MOK - S03E03 - Mayor of Kingstown

Thankfully, the Hawkeye actor is as badass as the characters he plays, and he fully recovered in time to resume work as Kingtown's mayor.

TV Fanatic received an exclusive early look at Renner's first meeting with the new bad guy of Mayor of Kingstown Season 3.

Related: Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 1 Review: Soldier's Heart

Since Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 1, we've known that Konstantin is the worst of the worst bad guys we've seen so far.

And the exclusive clip shows us that Mike McLusky is unhappy about having Konstantin in his town.

Mike confronts Konstantin - MOK S03E03 - Barbarians at the Gate - Mayor of Kingstown

Not that we blame him. First, the monster gangster shot the poor mother while she clasped her baby.

And now we find out he's left the baby in a dumpster?

Alive -- or heaven forbid -- dead?

McLusky did tell Konstantin that there better not be any more dead bodies.

Is that implying he discarded the baby's body? Or is Mike referring to the baby's mother?

Throughout the show, Mike has seen and dealt with a lot. Much of it hasn't seemed to affect him.

Held at gunpoint - MOK S03E03 - Barbarians at the Gate - Mayor of Kingstown

But watching him barge into a room full of bad guys to confront the big bad gives us emotions we rarely see.

When he's passionate about something, it really shows, a testament to the skill of Renner.

Related: Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 2 Review

It's interesting to see McLusky so distraught over finding a baby in a trash can, given his disinterest and downright aversion to his own nephew.

We've seen glimpses of what he is willing to do to protect others.

His threats to Konstantin foretell an epic showdown between the two to come. 

Facing Mike - MOK S03E03 - Mayor of Kingstown

The question is, how much damage will Konstantin do to Kingstown before Mike stops him?

And will Iris end up a target for Konstantin, either as a way to get to McLusky, or because of her connection to Milo?

Mike did accuse Konstantin of killing Milo and anyone connected with him.

And he seemed eager to know who Konstantin was planning to target.

Is it foreshadowing that Konstantin is targeting someone close to Mike?

Close enough to see him become the animal he threatened in the clip?

Related: When Going Off the Rails Makes Excellent TV

While some of us fans might not mind having the attention of the sexy McLusky, it doesn't look like Konstantin will enjoy it.

Be sure to tune in to Mayor of Kingtown Season 3 on Paramount+.

Each episode is available for streaming on Sundays.

Also, follow TV Fanatic to read our weekly Mayor of Kingstown reviews.

We're loving McLusky and want to know if you are, too.

Drop us your thoughts in the comments.

Sara Trimble is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. You can follow her on X.

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Mayor of Kingstown Quotes

The consequence of a riot is dismantling the illusion that prison is controlled by the guards. The consequence of putting down the riot is dismantling the leadership structure within the inmates. All that remains is chaos until a new leadership structure is created, and when there are no leaders inside, there are no leaders outside. All gangs are from prison because that's where all gangsters end up. And so is our new reality, and that reality is chaos.


My father used to say, I can't wait to get old, for my mind to soften, and my memories to rot away. The hardest thing to do is forget, forget the scars that life gives you, forget the scars you gave others. The challenge, then, is hiding a few memories worth keeping from your dying mind. He told me to keep a journal and only write down the good things. Then, when the bad things fade away, you can read about the happy life you had. But minds don't forget so easy, and the horror that we witness and endure takes root. Only madness and dementia can remove it.
