Looking Back On The 100: Christopher Larkin Discusses What He Learned Playing Monty, His Impact On The Audience & More!

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The 100 is a show that always pushes the concept of doing better; meanwhile, Monty Green has existed as a character who made us want to do better.

Monty not only inspired the fans, but he was also a constant stream of pure hope when it didn't feel like much of that existed on the show. All of that is even more meaningful when we think about the way that Christopher Larkin approached the role.

Creating a character that is always the voice of reason, and that is the moral compass leaves a lot of weight to be carried. Monty had to carry it on the show for years, as he tried to convince those around him that humans aren't the self-destructive beings that they keep becoming. 

A bright light in a usually dark tunnel, Monty spent all this time teaching us how to live. 

All of that, though, comes from the raw talent that we were blessed to experience from Christopher Larkin.

So much of what the show's personality comes from the way that Christopher stole every scene he was in and contributed to creating what The 100 is all about. It was a pleasure watching him as Monty, offering a presence that couldn't be recreated by anyone else/

That is why it was such a wonderful experience getting to hear Christopher's approach to a show that he spent so much time one, as well as the iconic impact that he left behind with the fans. 

Christopher also touched on how checking back in with fans is like after all this time, and he even left a small message to his on-screen son played by Shannon Kook.

What was it like being on a show like The 100 and playing Monty Green? 

It was the first time I was able to pay the bills telling stories and nothing but telling stories. That was always the dream. I’m grateful I got to live it out for a while. 

What was the experience like for you growing with the show and with Monty for five seasons? 

For me, five seasons was the perfect amount of time. Seasons 1 & 2 were all about getting my feet wet. Getting comfortable on set. Learning as much as I could from the process and the people around me.

The 100 Season 3 was all about Monty finding his own voice. His own sense of agency. I started discovering my own voice and sense of agency as a result. Seasons 4 & 5 are all about saying goodbye to Earth.

Admitting that we failed on this planet and will try to do better on the next. We came full circle. I think it was the right moment for both Monty and myself to say goodbye. 

What was your favorite part or favorite memory of filming The 100? 

The video log that Monty and Harper leave behind for their friends. It was easily the most challenging day I've ever had on set, but it was a beautiful farewell for these characters. They got the sendoff they both deserved, which is rare on this show. 

The relationship that Monty and Harper had was so wonderful, and it left an imprint on the show. What was it like getting to go on this journey with Chelsey? How do you think being with Harper changed Monty or added to his journey? 

I couldn't have asked for a better partner-in-crime. Every time we had to shoot a difficult scene together, I always made a mental note of how thankful I was to have Chelsey by my side.

We were both deeply invested in that relationship. I’m fully certain we made each other better actors. And in terms of her impact on Monty’s journey, Harper was often the only thing keeping him going. She gave him a reason to keep on fighting. He wouldn’t have made it without her. 

Monty Green, especially in the later seasons of the show, represented the moral compass of the group. What did you learn from your time playing such a noble character, especially someone who works through his morals when it comes to making choices on The 100? 

Monty taught me that it’s possible to maintain a moral compass even in the worst of times. That you always have autonomy. That no matter how difficult, you can always make the ethical choice.

He also taught me that he’s far more noble than I could ever hope to be. He set the bar pretty high. I’ll probably be living under that shadow for the rest of my life. 

Monty is extremely loved and left such a mark with the audience. How does it feel knowing Monty mattered and still matters so much to both the characters on the show and the fans who watch? 

Like I said before, telling stories for a living has always been the dream. And to have that story connect with a global audience of millions of people is still hard to fathom. We’ve managed to gather an extremely loyal fanbase over the years. I owe every single one of them a debt of gratitude. 

Monty and Jasper's relationship is such an integral part of The 100. But unfortunately, in your last season on the show, Monty had to take on a new responsibility of honoring Jasper.

As an actor, how did you approach placing this influence that Jasper left behind on Monty's shoulders? 

It wasn’t something I ever had to think about. Jasper had such a profound impact on Monty’s life that it was never a conscious decision. He was going to influence Monty’s thoughts and actions, no matter what. In that sense, he never really left. But I definitely missed having Devon around that last season. 

Most characters on The 100 don't really get to end their run with a traditional "happy ending." But Monty (and Harper) were given that honor in Season 5. After spending so much time playing Monty, how did you prepare for that ending for him? 

I knew that Monty was going to exit the show before we started filming. Jason and I had met earlier that summer to talk things through, so I had six months to prepare for that exit mentally. But I had no idea how he was going to die. I remember that I was just about to go to bed when the script for 513 dropped. I then proceeded to stay up all night, reading things over and working out that final monologue.

It haunted me every single day. I was terrified. The writer’s room came up with a better ending than I ever could’ve imagined, and I wanted to do it justice. It was one hell of a day, but we got the job done. I’m very happy with how it turned out. 

Shannon Kook has spoken so highly about his first day on set and the way your support helped him. Personally, what was it like for you to get to meet someone who is meant to represent a piece of Monty and Harper (and Jasper)?

And is there maybe some advice you had for Shannon as we near the last season of the show with him representing the Green family? 

I remember feeling very strange about it all. For starters, the physical resemblance is uncanny. If Chelsey and I had a son in real life, he would look exactly like Shannon. We were happy to welcome him aboard, but it was a stark reminder that we were about to leave the show for good.

Out with the old, in with the new. That sort of thing. But we got to pass the baton in person, which was important. 

Filming has officially ended on The 100, so I can’t offer Shannon much advice on that front. I just hope that he cherished his time on the show more than his old man did. I hope he did the family name proud. 

Monty left everyone with the hope that they will be able to do better on this new planet. Do you personally think they can do better? 

No. This cast gets handed a golden opportunity every season. And regardless of the circumstances, they always find a way to blow it. History repeats itself over and over again.

But don’t forget Monty’s final plea: He hopes they do better there. So in that same spirit, while I don't think it’s probable, I’d like to think that it’s still possible. 

In The 100 Season 6, you got that epic return for one episode in Clarke's mind space. What was it like returning to the show again? 

I was very hesitant at first. Monty had a perfect exit, and I didn’t want to tarnish that in any way. The writer of that particular episode, Kim Shumway, has been with us from the very beginning. In talking to her over the course of several months, she convinced me to fly back to Vancouver for one final go.

And in the end, I’m really glad that I did. It was great taking that walk down memory lane, to be back in my clothes from the pilot, to be back at the soundstage where it all began, to see all those familiar faces. It was a welcome second goodbye. 

You may have left The 100, but you are still part of conventions and even The 100 specific conventions. What has it been like leaving The 100 world but yet still getting to travel back with the fans in person? 

It gets harder the more time goes by. I still enjoy connecting with the fans, some of whom I’ve gotten to know quite well at this point. But Monty’s been gone for over two years now. That story has come to an end. The series has moved on.

And pretty soon, “The 100” will be over, and the world will move on and find new stories to invest in. I’ll gladly travel to a convention every now and then if there’s still interest, but we’ll have to see what happens. 

Before The 100 (and after), you have been part of the theater world. What is it like as an actor getting to switch formats from television to theater? 

There are three big reasons you could argue for working in television over the theater. You’re able to connect with a much larger audience. Every day is fresh because the material is constantly changing. And it pays you properly. Theater loses pretty bad in all those departments.

But theater is the actor’s medium. Nothing is more artistically satisfying for me than doing a play. So I try to change things up as often as I can. I feel very lucky that I’ve got a foothold in both worlds. 

What can you share about some of your upcoming projects? Can fans look forward to more music soon? 

Most of the industry is frozen at the moment, so there’s not much happening on the acting front. But I can still make music every day in quarantine, which has been a gift. I’m pretty sure there’s an album in there somewhere, but that’s still a ways off. 


For The 100 fans still looking for some more nostalgia, TV Fanatic will continue a new ongoing The 100 interview series. "Looking Back on The 100" that centers on monumental cast members and characters from the show that truly left their mark. 

We recently spoke with Eli Goree about his time on the show during The 100 Season 1 and the legacy he left behind. 

We also spoke with Michael Beach and the journey he had when it came to The 100.

Keep checking TV Fanatic for more upcoming interviews with surprise cast members from seasons past. 

And for any fans that are looking for possible hints to help their theories about the final season, the official extended trailer for Season 7 of The 100 has been released.

Stick around TV Fanatic for more upcoming interviews, features, slideshows, episode previews, and reviews, and watch The 100 online if you need to catch up on the adventure.

The 100 returns on Wednesday, May 20 at 8/7c on The CW.

Yana Grebenyuk was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in April 2021.

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