Watch Riverdale Online: Season 4 Episode 3

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What happened to Alice and Polly?

On Riverdale Season 4 Episode 3, there was much drama when the mother and daughter realized it was time to face off against Edgar. 

One Missed Call - Riverdale Season 4 Episode 3

Betty and Charles tried to do what they could from the outside to save their mom and sister from a certain death. 

Meanwhile, Archie realized that he would have to go to extreme lengths to save the gym from going under. 

The Gym's Future - Riverdale Season 4 Episode 3

Did he manage to come up with the money he needed?

Elsewhere, Cheryl went to war with a night nurse that was brought in to look after Nana Rose. 

Use the video above to watch Riverdale online right here via TV Fanatic. 

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Riverdale Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Betty: I’m just happy this nightmare is finally over.
[Doorbell rings and a mysterious VHS is found outside]
Jughead: Famous last words.

Darius: I went into the basement…
Cheryl: Halt! You went down to the basement, specially I ordered you not to. You didn’t go into the chapel, did you?!
Darius: No! Miss Cheryl…
Cheryl: Thistle House has never had rats!
Toni: But Babe, we did hear something last night. Remember?
Cheryl: You’re right, Ti Ti. And suddenly, I am feeling the presence of a rat. A 6” tall rat with muscles and bedroom eyes. Darius, I knew you were a mistake from the beginning, so … you’re fired. Tootles!