The Conners Season 1 Episode 2 Review: Tangled Up in Blue

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This half-hour certainly made me a feel a little blue.

On The Conners Season 1 Episode 2, we finally got the chance to meet David's new girlfriend Blue, but things didn't go as smoothly as David was hoping they would. 

I wasn't the only one confused why David thought bringing Blue to a parent-teacher conference was a good idea, right? There wasn't a whole lot of thought behind his decision which was a little infuriating. 

Darlene Is Not Happy - The Conners Season 1 Episode 2

I know it was to create comic relief, but there could have been a better way to introduce her; though I will say Blue is a fantastic match for David. 

Related: The Conners Season 1 Episode 1 Review: Keep On Truckin'

As much as I loved David and Darlene there's something about Blue's free spirit which clicks with David's personality. She's also someone who isn't afraid to share her opinion which is what David needs in his life as well. 

One of my biggest gripes with the Blue storyline was her being involved with Harris having sex with a boy. Blue knew Harris was thinking about having sex, and she didn't even think to call Darlene to let her know what was happening. 

Jackie Tries To Help - The Conners Season 1 Episode 2

Let's all just ignore Blue not having a cell phone for a moment because the lack of respect she showed Darlene by not saying anything to her spoke volumes. 

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It was great Harris had someone she could talk to, but Darlene should have been involved the moment Blue knew Harris would be having sex.

Harris was going to have sex no matter what. but at least her mom wouldn't have been blindsided by the news. 

David got a pass for not being at the house, too. He had a legitimate reason for not being at home and felt he could trust Blue with looking after his kids. Darlene was smart in stating the kids wouldn't be going over there unless David is for sure off work. 

All About Blue - The Conners Season 1 Episode 2

Is anyone else intrigued by the new guy Darlene met at the bar? I've got my fingers crossed Darlene finds some happiness because the woman deserves it!

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I did get a little misty-eyed when Darlene and David closed the chapter on their life together and are giving each other the chance to move on, but I really love the friendship between the two of them. 

What the heck was Becky thinking when she brought vodka in a water bottle to Dan's worksite? This woman just keeps getting dumber and dumber with each passing episode. 

Dan Lets Becky Help - The Conners Season 1 Episode 2

The only good thing to come out of Becky's excessive drinking is Dan is finally opening his eyes to see his daughter has a problem; though I'm not sure if she will ever really get her act together. 

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Becky still hasn't dealt with the depression from Mark's death and now adding in her mother passing away Becky is shoving her feelings further down. I want Becky to get the help she rightfully deserves. 

Becky was such a smart woman during the entirety of Roseanne and making mistake after mistake breaks my heart. Her family needs to rally around her and help get her drinking under control before it gets even worse. 

Becky Needs Money - The Conners Season 1 Episode 2

Like Dan told her, if she made a mistake at work while intoxicated it falls on him. Dan could easily lose everything if Becky were to come to work drunk and accidentally hurts someone or even herself. 

It's shocking Becky hasn't hurt someone already with the amount of alcohol she drinks. After Dan went off on her about her drinking, she immediately went to work and drank shot after shot. 

It's difficult attempting to be a little optimistic about Dan giving Becky six weeks to get her act together because she doesn't appear to take any of it seriously; though I hope we get the old Becky back before the season ends. 

Darlene Meets Someone - The Conners Season 1 Episode 2

Speaking of Dan, who else was incredibly happy it appears as though Dan and David can be in the same room together without Dan wanting to kill him? It would have gotten old fast if Dan kept up the anger toward David. 

The biggest takeaway from the half-hour is the lack of grieving for Roseanne, and it was perfectly OK. There's no need to dwell on her death because we need to see the family moving on -- life doesn't stop. 

Now it's your turn to tell me what you think. 

Do you think Becky will succeed? Do you think Darlene may have found a new guy? What did you think of Blue?

Let me know in the comments below. 

Don't forget you can catch up anytime. Go watch The Conners online now via TV Fanatic to catch up on the moments you may have missed. 

Tangled Up in Blue Review

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Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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The Conners Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Blue: Thank you for having me member of the noblest profession and it's so nice to finally meet you, Darlene.
Darlene: Yeah it's nice to meet you, too. What a delightful surprise that it's happening in here.

He was working overseas. Not for money but he's a good dad. Not a great job or he would have been on time.
