Preacher Season 3 Episode 4 Review: The Tombs

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Things are heating up on Preacher Season 3 Episode 4, as we get a look into the 9th circle of hell where the devil himself hangs.

Notice the elevator buttons in hell? That's so clever.

The Saint is back, and he's on a mission. After the devil torments him a bit with whips, leaving him skinless, he gives the Saint a task. Bring Hitler and Eugene back to hell.

The Saint's payment? He'll get his guns back and free reign to kill Jesse.

Cassidy in the Tombs - Preacher Season 3 Episode 4


Not that we didn't have enough to worry about with the blood compact with Grandma, and all the crazies in Angelville.

On Preacher Season 3 Episode 3, it looked like Tulip was in a tough spot with Boyd. How could she possibly escape?

Oh, ye of little faith. This is Tulip O'Hare we're talking about, and I'm ashamed to admit I ever doubted her abilities.

Crazy bitch!
Tulip. Ain't I though?


Boyd looked pretty surprised when Tulip shot a hole clean through the floor to escape. Oh, and take Boyd with her.

Tulip is such a great character. Spunky and full of surprises. She's afraid of absolutely no one.

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Talk about afraid, when Tulip dropped Cassidy off at the bus station, and he had the love potion in his hand, I was worried.

No, Cassidy. No!

Tulip in the Tombs - Preacher Season 3 Episode 4

Damn if he didn't do the right thing, and keep that spray in his pocket where it belonged. Whew! That was close.

Did you see Featherstone a few seats back on the bus with him? Wonder what she wants with him. She'll most likely offer Tulip up on a silver platter for help convincing Jesse to be the next Messiah.

If Tulip only knew how she's offered around like late afternoon appetizers, she'd be kicking some ass.

Did you know God is gone?


Tulip really turned around in this episode. She could've taken what Jesse said to heart, and left with Cassidy to travel the world.

Cassidy would've been happy.

She could've believed what Boyd believes about her brother's death.

Related: Preacher Season 3 Episode 3 Review: Gonna Hurt

But she didn't. Tulip knew better.

Thank God.

There's one thing Jesse needs right now, and that's somebody on his side. Tulip's finally on board and, even though it's dangerous, he's glad she's there by his side.

Tulip Means Business - Preacher Season 3 Episode 4

If anyone can kill Grandma, it's Tulip.

She'll have a lot to get around, like TC and Jody. They've been around Grandma a long time (and haven't aged one bit,) so they know how to protect her.

The question is, why would they want to protect her? Maybe she's keeping them from aging. Assuming that's true, why isn't she keeping herself from aging?

She did hint around when she was talking to Cassidy; she's working on that issue, so that remains to be explained.

Welcome you motherless goat humpers.


As a matter of fact, a lot of things need explanation.

It's a shame Madam Boyd doesn't see Jesse for the good person he is, and always has been. He was, and is, making the best of his unfortunate situation.

Jesse chopping up Cassidy and having a conversation with him while shoving his various body parts in a shipping box was the funniest those two have been in a while.

I miss that. Let's hope there are more funny interactions between those two in the near future.

Just another example of how Jesse's a cool dude.

Jesse Runs the Tombs - Preacher Season 3 Episode 4

Hopefully, Boyd will get clued in on the real Jesse sooner or later, but no matter. She hates Grandma more than Jesse, so she's going to lend a hand for that reason alone.

It would be helpful if she would tell Tulip how to kill Grandma.

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With all Grandma's powers, it's probably not as simple as smothering her with a pillow. Nothing's that simple in Angelville.

So, not only does Grandma have to die, but the Saint will be after Jesse soon.

Tulip: So you can break it.
Boyd: No, but you can.
Tulip: Oh, right, my wand from graduating Hogwarts? Mmmhmm. Totally forgot I had that.

If Jesse hasn't gotten his power back by then, he's going to be in some major trouble.

First things first. Kill Grandma.

I can't imagine that hasn't been tried before, seeing how many blood compacts she has in that drawer. The attempts probably haven't ended so well for the offender.

That being said, she's probably never had anybody who's close to her try and kill her. Maybe that's the key to getting it done.

What do you think, Preacher fans? How is Tulip going to kill Grandma? Do you think Boyd is telling the truth? What do you think Featherstone is up to? Are you glad Cassidy did the right thing?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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The Tombs Review

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Kim Russell was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in January 2019.

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Preacher Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Did you know God is gone?


Crazy bitch!
Tulip. Ain't I though?
