The Night Shift's Jill Flint and Brendan Fehr Preview the Big Finale!

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Who's ready for an exciting season finale? 

We recently had a chance to speak with Jill Flint and Brendan Fehr, and they gave us some insight on what to expect from The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 10

So what did they have to say?

Jordan and Drew - The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 10

Well, for starters, the series has not yet been picked up for a fifth season, so fans are probably wondering if they will be left hanging.

Jill tells us that "at the end of this episode, you see everyone in a new direction. I think there are a few things that will happen that will make the fans – I wouldn't say it is warm and fuzzy. I think it is a beautiful ending. I think the fans will be happy." 

Was anyone actually expecting a warm and fuzzy ending? Probably not. 

Brendan follows up by adding that we will "see a lot of characters taking some chances that they probably have been thinking about for a long time and how those end up is up in the air."  

Could he be referring to Drew? He could be hinting at Drew's decision to go to Ranger school. Perhaps he is referring to TC? The only problem with that theory is TC never thinks about anything for a long time. He just acts. 

Jordan and TC - The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 9

Brendan also tells us that it's not just the characters taking a step forward, but the hospital as well. 

He says it becomes "more immersed in the VA and becoming this hospital that specializes in training nurses and doctors in military and medical – the military procedures that you would see out in the battlefield." 

He continues, "I think the whole hospital, you know, we take a turn and trying to turn it into something unique and one of a kind. And I think that then kind of leads into the characters' stories as well in terms of taking a big step forward into the unknown but something that you see that has potential."

Are you wondering if the Annie situation will be wrapped up in the finale? It sounds like we will have to be patient with that story line. 

According to Brendan, "It is addressed somewhat in the finale, but it doesn't come to a conclusion. There is no – I am not sure there is the kind of closure that the audience will be looking for at this point." 

As he said, "we have to keep you guys coming back." 

If NBC does renew the series, Jill and Brendan were asked if there are any storylines they'd like to explore. They both agreed that they've been happy with what the writers have given them so far.

Drew - The Night Shift Season 4 Episode 9

Jill did respond that "Jordan has always been a career motivated woman and I respect that about her. But, I kind of wish she could be single for awhile." 

Honestly, we completely agree. She's already dated TC, Scott, and Cain. It might be nice to see her take a break from the dating world. 

She elaborated to say that "if a romance actually happens, it is earned. I don't know. Just to see what Jordan could really dive herself into so, you know, she doesn't always have to be with a man. That would be great."


So what about Drew's big decision to go to Ranger school? Will that story and how it affects his relationship with Rick be addressed in the finale? Here's what Brendan had to say about it: 

"We certainly addressed it. We don't wrap it up in a nice box and put a bow on it. But we do come to -- me and Rick do have a conversation about it. And then we move forward from there. So that was a lot of fun, but there is still a question regarding how that is all going to turn out."

Does this mean we should be worried about their relationship? Rick wants to expand their family and Drew wants to go to Ranger school. We just hope they can work it out!

It looks like we're in for an exciting finale, but we may have to wait awhile to get some of the answers we crave. Of course, that means NBC has to renew the series for Season 5. We really hope they do!

The Night Shift has been such a fun summer series and we know they have plenty more stories to tell. We're not ready to say goodbye to these wonderful characters. And, let's face it, we don't want to be left hanging!

Need to catch up? Watch The Night Shift online and be sure to tune in for the big finale, Thursday, August 31 at 10/9c!

Stacy Glanzman was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in March, 2019.

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The Night Shift Quotes

Feelings are good, Alicia. Don't ever let anyone tell you how to feel.


Ragosa: I did it because, um, I wanted to do one decent thing in this job before I quit.
Administrator: You're quitting?
Ragosa: Yeah. I quit. I don't wanna do this job anymore. I had a piece of my brain
removed to give to my tumor. Most people could barely recite the alphabet after that, but I have all of my faculties and I refuse to push paper at a place where everybody hates me! Aaaah. This feels so good. You have no idea how good it feels to finally do what you want to do. Yes. Yes. I quit and I could not be happier.