Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 2 Episode 2 Review: Rule #77

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So. Many. Arguments!

You guys, if Abby wants to have the sexy face of divorce, she's going to have to try a lot harder to be happy than she did on Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 2 Episode 2.

And no, I don't believe for a second that it's as simple as "she's back with Jake" or some such, as Jo would make it seem. Abby has a lot of problems with a lot of people at the moment.

Push Push - Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce

First and foremost, Abby still seems iffy on her relationship with herself. Despite almost divorcing Jake, she still has no idea what she wants.

Abby has taken a job that she's not all that keen on, for starters. Sure, she could wind up having a lot of fun going on "dates" with a mess of random guys, but being called the face of anything while someone else is considered the brains is a bit off.

Not only does it make you feel as though you are nothing but a plaything, it's certainly uncomfortable when interacting with the "brains" behind the operation. That was really evident when Abby tried to switch it up and offer to Barbara the opportunity to go out on dates. The way she said it made it sound offensive. She just can't win that one.

There is a certain excitement of sneaking around with a lover that I don't think Abby is ready to give up yet when it comes to reuniting with Jake. But I think she's also kind of embarrassed. She went through all that and made so many statements about him and her marriage, and she's right back in it? Who wants to admit that?

It's even worse watching Jake trying to fight for them when WE KNOW he's holding so much back from her. How can we see him as the aggrieved party (which we would if Becca wasn't, you know, pregnant!) while calling her a liar when his lie is going to trump everything?

Just ugh.

And then to be reminded by Jo this behavior from Abby is all part of The Abby Show, when she pretends to be happy, to be single or a good friend, becomes icing on the cake.

But on the cake with or without butter is the question!!

Vegan schmegan. Let Scott design some foods for those of us who do not deny, Jo! Did anyone else think she slept with him to get him to go all vegan when they cut to black and opened again on the opening? She's holding fast with that, though, so I'm impressed.

For a while there, she was about to drive me nuts with her anger and insults, and I did wish Abby would have told her Zoey only saw them kissing right before she left for vacation, but then I remembered that part of what makes Jo so great is that she doesn't let stuff build up. She lets everyone know she's pissed, and that way she's free of the burden.

And she's not stuck with dicks in her new bakery. 

I felt terribly for what happened with Phoebe and Marco. I really enjoyed his character, but man was he a mean drunk. That was unexpected. It's also probably why he had to leave in order to get himself together. It was a really short conversation to break up though. 

GG2D must want to do more with the Phoebe character. It does get hard when too many of them are partnered up. 

Delia's certainly being challenged with her engagement. That wedding planner was a hoot. I wonder how George Clooney enjoyed having his name dragged into that conversation. The items on the table? I couldn't have picked five. You could tell they were for a different crowd, that's for sure.

I'm still loving how Delia is the man in her relationship with Gordon, though, so I hope it continues for a while longer. That's something we need to see. It's refreshing.

What did you think of the episode? Would you want Abby's job? What do you want next for Phoebe? Hit the comments and remember you can watch Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce online if you have missed any of this fun show!

Rule #77: Don't Blow the Bubble Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

They know that we're going through a transition. For example, I'm going through a transition into a guy who is not wearing pants.


Do not touch Scott's Twinkie. I'm serious.
