Rizzoli & Isles Season 6 Episode 10 Review: Sister Sister

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Most of the time, the first suspect in any episode of Rizzoli & Isles turns out to be innocent.

But usually, the suspects are human.

On Rizzoli & Isles Season 6 Episode 10, Vince rescued an innocent dog from the death penalty while investigating what really happened to its owner. This provided a neat twist on the usual formula while offering some extra suspense. Who else expected the dog to lunge at somebody sooner or later and prove Vince wrong?

I love it when they include these little character quirks that make the detectives more human. Vince's love of the dog – and of dogs in general – was no exception. I had no idea he loved dogs until he first tried to stand up for this one.

ACO: Are you a dog lover?
Vince: Yeah.
ACO: Figures. We have a different perspective.

The Animal Control guy was just doing his job, but I was glad that Vince and Maura were able to get around his rules and grant Duke a reprieve, then get him out of Animal Control's custody altogether. I cheered when Vince brought Duke to the squad room, and Jane trying to walk him was purely funny. Still, I kept expecting something bad to happen.

I should have known Sarah wasn't the killer by the way Duke greeted her. Surely dogs can be loyal without being stupid; he wouldn't pounce on and lick the face of his worst enemy. Or at least I'd hoped not. Besides, at the time she confessed to trying to kill the dog there were fifteen minutes to go in the hour.

Nevertheless, Jane's interrogation of her was effective.

Sarah: How is that possible?
Jane: I think you know, Sarah. Who put the poison in Duke's food?

I was expecting it to turn out that Sarah had nothing to do with harming Duke or Mona and was covering for someone else or felt forced to confess. I hadn't considered Tricia as a suspect, and with good reason since it turned out she also had nothing to do with the crime.

So why was I surprised that the weirdo neighbor actually killed Mona? She was obnoxious from the get-go.

I'm moving to Florida. You come to help me pack?


Not to mention the fact that she kept notes on everyone who visited the neighborhood that she didn't think belonged there. Who does that?

The two side stories fit in pretty well with the main story and weren't overly obnoxious this week. I enjoyed Frankie and Nina's banter about Angela.

Nina: You told me you two were driving each other crazy. Why didn't you tell her the truth?
Frankie: Cause then Ma'll go to Jane and start nosing around and then Jane will go complaining to Ma and it'll become a vicious circle.

I still can't tell if Frankie and Nina will end up together or they'll just end up being best friends. Either way, I really like seeing them interact. I also like seeing Frankie not be totally obnoxious.

Frankie and Jane's squabbles over their tiny living space was a reasonable conflict for two adult siblings to have. Angela was in the background just enough that I knew she'd find out what was going on eventually without being too much of a pain in the neck. Of course, as soon as she brought Nina food it was all over.

Don't worry, she's broken the best of us.


I didn't expect Kent's story to go the way it did during "Going to the Dogs." The kiss came out of nowhere, and I thought both it and the mention of the family that needed to be notified were random threads that didn't fit into the tapestry of this hour's story. But then the show weaved them together beautifully in Maura and Kent's one-on-one conversation. I'd never have guessed that Kent became an ME to avoid having to give bad news to the living.

What did you think? Did you wish Angela would butt out or think Kent's story was a bit much, or were these sidelines just perfect? Are you eager to go adopt a dog after watching? Share your thoughts below!

Miss something? Just watch Rizzoli & Isles online and catch up.

Sister Sister Review

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Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on X.

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Rizzoli & Isles Season 6 Episode 10 Quotes

Maura: That dress is perfect. Sophisticated with just a touch of VA-VOOM.
Jane: I think it has too much VA-VOOM.

I have never used the word demure.
