Nashville Season 3 Episode 21 Review: Is the Better Part Over

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You know you're perfectly fine when everyone you love throws you an intervention. 

Okay, maybe not! Still, that didn't stop Juliette from running out on Avery in Nashville Season 3 Episode 21.

Juliette's a fiery woman to begin with, but her postpartum depression is sending her into dangerous territory. 

Look, we all knew where this storyline was heading, but that doesn't mean it wasn't frustrating to watch. 

I don't think Juliette would ever intentionally hurt Cadence, but she could have very well done it through unintentional neglect.

In their few hours alone, Juliette completely disregarded her crying and forgot to feed and change her.

I'm glad everyone confronted her because Juliette can't be around Cadence without getting help. 

You can stay here and just have your little intervention. You can hold hands and sing Kumbaya, and I'm gonna go to the studio and prove to y'all how wrong you are about me.


Juliette may like to think everyone is just not being supportive of her desire to get back to work, but she's oblivious to her own disinterest in taking care of her baby. 

Next week's finale promo looks explosive. As much as I love Juliette and Avery as a couple, he needs to make sure Cadence is in a safe environment.

Hopefully Juliette will have a moment of clarity and get the help she needs. 

It looks like Deacon is about to get the help he needs. However, there was definitely something amiss with that look Beverly threw at Rayna. 

Dare I say it... a bitchface! 

Here's my guess: Beverly is going to help save Deacon so she can look like the hero. She'll finally get the fame she's always been longing for. Maybe she's hoping to jumpstart her career, or guilt Deacon into teaming up again as a musical act. 

Beverly is bad news. Unfortunately, she's the only one who can save him. 

Connie Britton and Charles Esten were on fire tonight. 

Rayna got so emotional that I could barely make out what she was saying.

It's just every time I've looked in my future, you've always been in it. I don't know what I'm gonna do without you.


Rayna's been so supportive and positive that she was due for a cry-fest. 

Elsewhere in Nashville, Will reunited with his father. 

I completely agreed with Kevin about Will's father. It doesn't matter that he told Will he loved him, because he only loves who he thinks he has become, which is a successful musician who's now straight.

It's nothing but a lie. He wouldn't be saying, "I love you" if he knew Will was and will always be gay. 

It looks like the truth is about to come out anyway now that paparazzi photos were taken of Will and Kevin's romantic getaway. 

Now let's get to the manipulative saga that is Jeff and Layla. 

Jeff definitely has feelings for her, but he's also in the business of self-preservation. 

He knows the right words to wrap Layla around his finger so she'll do what he wants.

No one's gonna take care of you the way that I have, the way that I will.


At the end of the day, Layla is a young woman who wants someone to love and care about her. I get all that.

Sadly, she didn't bother to read the full contract before signing. Girl, don't you know what perpetuity means?!? 

As infuriating as Jeff's actions are, I can't help but be totally interested to see what happens next with these two. They are very entertaining to watch.

Extra Thoughts

  • The Gunnar-Scarlett drama continues to be childish and repetitive. I have to resist fast-forwarding through their scenes. Even though I don't care for them as a couple, we all know they will eventually reunite so let's just get on with it then. 
  • Teddy continued to have the least interesting storyline. However, my ears perked up a little bit when the Senator mentioned Tandy's name. What does she have to do with anything? 

Favorite Performance of the Week: How could I not give this too Rayna and Deacon's duet at The Bluebird. It was bittersweet and beautiful and romantic, and please please please don't die Deacon! 

So over to you guys! What did you think of the episode? Will Deacon survive the finale? Can Avery convince Juliette to get help? What are your predictions for Nashville Season 3 Episode 22?

Sound off below, and don't forget you can catch up before the season finale when you watch Nashville online via TV Fanatic! 

Is the Better Part Over Review

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Amanda Steinmetz was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She went into retirement in June of 2027. Follow her on Twitter.

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Nashville Season 3 Episode 21 Quotes

No one's gonna take care of you the way that I have, the way that I will.


It's just every time I've looked in my future, you've always been in it. I don't know what I'm gonna do without you.
