Stalker Round Table: The Demise of Perry and Ray?

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Talk about another crazy hour that left us with some shocking developments for Ray and Perry, while also giving us a chilling case that featured a girl stalking the family that gave her up.

In response to Stalker Season 1 Episode 15, TV Fanatic staff members Allison Nichols, Stacy Glanzman, Paul Dailly are joined by super fan Amy PerrinĀ to discuss what will happen with Ray and Perry, along with the Case of the Week and plenty more...

What did you think of the case?

Allison: The mother bothered me so much. She never seemed to grasp just how serious the whole situation was for her daughter. This wasn't like her kid had an embarrassing moment that only a few people saw. She is being accused of sleeping with a professor. The mom saw the sex video too, but is still like, eh go to school it will be okay.

Stacy: It was intriguing enough, though not as compelling as last week's. I felt bad for Jenny. I'm glad she decided to come back in the end.

Amy: It was good. I felt really bad for Jenny, and I agree with Allison that the mother was too nonchalant about the whole thing. She didn't seem at all compassionate about what her daughter was going through. High school can be so brutal.

Paul: I enjoyed it. I will admit that i guessed the best friend was the stalker, but I never guessed the motive. The motive was very shocking.

Ray let Perry know who's boss. React!

Allison: It's interesting that we are seeing an abusive relationship happen. Perry submits to Ray. This is so much more interesting than just the two of them being psycho together. I would love to spend more time exploring this new dynamic between them.

Stacy: I'm ready for this whole thing to come to a head. I'm starting to feel like it's been dragged out too long. When Perry mentioned waiting a few more weeks I groaned even though I knew that wouldn't actually happen. Get on with it already guys!

Amy: I am not surprised at all that Ray hit Perry, and let him know that he's boss. I think Perry bit off more than he can chew by hooking up with Ray. It seemed to me in a couple of scenes that Perry seemed a little scared of Ray, and I don't blame him. Ray is really crazy and dangerous.

Paul: Loved this. Perry needed put in his place and Ray did it. So far, Ray appears to have taken a back seat approach to Perry, but I see this changing over the next few episodes as they will both inevitably come in contact with Beth.

How did you feel about the stalker reveal?

Allison: I liked it. The friend definitely wasn't the obvious choice. Then, the case ends with the potential of the mom reaching back out to her. The stalker isn't shunned. The mom realizes her part in all of this and is willing to take responsibility.

Stacy: I guessed it was Alexis and I was a little annoyed it was the best friend two weeks in a row, but I didn't suspect she was actually her sister.

Amy: I thought that it might be Alexis, but I never expected that she would be Monica's daughter, and also 21. I hope that Alexis gets the help that she needs, and maybe in time have a relationship with Monica and Jenny.

Paul: I said earlier I found it obvious, so not got a lot to say about the reveal.

Does Ray really believe that Beth will take him back?

Allison: Ray seems to think that if Beth is alone, she will view him like family. It's hard to get into his mindset. The first time around, Ray wanted to be a hero but it backfired and Michelle's family died. Now Ray seems to want to kill Beth's "family" that she has built for herself at the TAU.

Stacy: The dude is crazy, who knows what he's really thinking? I'm not even sure if he really wants her back or if he's just saying that for Perry's benefit. He might have something else planned for her.

Amy: Ray is crazy, so I am sure he does think in his twisted way that Beth will take him back.

Paul: The guy really is a wild card, so anything is possible. In a way, I think he must think that absence makes the heart grow fonder and for that reason, I think he does think she will.

Will Perry try to branch away from Ray and terrorize the TAU on his own, without Ray?

Allison: I'm not sure. Perry will either start doing what Ray wants, or Perry will try to get as far away from Ray as possible. Perry hopefully realizes that his initial plan of Ray following his lead is long gone.

Stacy: That would be interesting. Beth would have two serious threats coming at her separately. I don't think it'll happen though. Perry brought Ray in to the mix for a reason. I think he wants Ray to do the dirty work for him.

Amy: That is very possible. I think Perry believed that he would be boss, but it's clear that Ray is the one in charge, the alpha male.

Paul: I think so. He never expected Ray to reign above him. Perry won't like this. Heck, I won't even be shocked if Perry manages to get him put back in the facility. He wants Beth to pay.

Note: Stalker Season 1 Episode 16 airs Wednesday at 10/9C on CBS. As always, you can catch up on past episodes right here on TV Fanatic, when you watch Stalker online.

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Stalker Season 1 Episode 15 Quotes

If the woman in the video isn't Jenny, there's a good chance she might be out stalker.


We have to destroy her world.
