One Tree Hill Rewind: Ready to Play?

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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to an historic night of basketball!

Okay, really just welcome to the One Tree Hill Rewind, but picture it coming from Mouth's announcer voice is just so much better.

This is a show I used to give my sister crap for watching and would roll my eyes at while waiting for the latest episode of Gossip Girl. Then, years later ,my friend convinced me to watch on Netflix and I FELL. IN. LOVE. 

Like, what the hell was I thinking not watching this show since 2003 kind of love. 

So let's kick it off with One Tree Hill Season 1 Episode 1 - or, as I like to call it, the only episode that didn't feature the goddess who is Brooke Davis.

The opening shot of Lucas walking over the bridge is just perfect. It also serves as the theme song back drop and dammit if I don't hear the opening chords of Gavin Degraw's "I Don't Wanna Be" when I see that visual.

So here is the gist: Lucas and Nathan have the same father, the epic jackass Dan Scott. Lucas was raised by his single mother Karen and lives a humble live that includes shooting hoops just for fun, except he's really good at it.

Nathan is spoiled and the star of the Tree Hill Ravens basketball team that his father basically lords over. When most of the team is suspended, Uncle Keith suggests to Coach Whitey that he take a look at Lucas as a replacement.

Lucas and Nathan butt heads. There's a girl: Peyton. A best friend: Haley. A basketball face-off. And one of my favorite quotes of all time from Julius Caesar:

(voiceover) There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune but omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and mesires. On such a full sea are we now afloat and we must take the current when it serves or lose the ventures before us.


Was this all enough to draw our attention? Hell yeah it was! 

One Tree Hill knew how to ooze that teenage angst without getting overly verbose and all Dawson's Creek on us. Honorable mention goes out to Haley James for establishing right off the bat that she and Lucas were not a "Joey loves Dawson" scenario and THANK GOD they kept it that way.

I think the sports factor and the whole messed up family dynamic are what initially gave OTH its edge. That's what set it apart. Eventually Friday Night Lights would become the greatest high school sports show of all time (and a tie for my personal favorite) but OTH really did dedicate the time and effort to the basketball side of things.

It's been said on record that one of the reasons James Lafferty was cast as Nathan was that he really knew how to shoot a ball. Also I cannot believe how young he looked there! And WHAT was with the nipple ring?

So ladies let me hear it, who would you have gone for back then? Lucas or Nathan? Personally Lucas was more my type in high school but Nathan is more my type now. And James Lafferty does have a residing spot on my Ross Geller-type Top 5 celebrity hall pass list.

If you need a refresher on which Scott brother strikes your fancy, watch One Tree Hill online anytime and visit our One Tree Hill quotes section now!

Are you on Team Nathan or Team Lucas?

Pilot Review

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One Tree Hill Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Haley: Oh, the magazine pages are sticking again, you little pervert. Oh hey Luke. You've been reading this?
Lucas: I don't know, Haley. Is that the 'why do i hang out with these people?' issue, because you're on the cover of that, right?
Haley: No, actually it's the 'my best friend is an idiot' issue and there you are!

No foul, basket counts. Besides, you won't score again.
