Lost Girl Review: The One

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Lost Girl was a tidal wave tonight! (That's the aquatic equivalent of being on fire, right?)

Most of the season has been spent searching for Bo or featured Bo trying to figure out what happened to her. The story has moved forward at a glacial pace. That all changed in Lost Girl Season 4 Episode 10.

Bo remembered what happened on the train and her friends moved on with their lives outside of Bo. Both were highly refreshing developments.

With only three episodes left on Lost Girl Season 4, there are still plenty of questions to be answered. Most notably, who sent Bo to the train in the first place?

The Wanderer, now known as Rainer, was not responsible for the black plume of smoke that took Bo from the Dal and left her on the train. That's at least if you believe him. Given his disinterest in Bo initially and actions on the train, I don't think he's the one that abducted her.

He pushed her away until he saw she was able to bring a butterfly on the train back to life. Then, he believed she was the one. The extent of what he meant by "the one" hasn't been specified, but they clearly developed feelings for each other and Bo wanted to safe him.

Though, I guess it's possible that he was playing a long con on her in order to break his curse. Or, perhaps somehow he used his ability of foresight to set up for Bo to be brought to the train in the future and honestly doesn't remember. A plan similar to what Bo did to save him.

With her memory about to be wiped when her friends found her, Bo came up with an elaborate plan to make sure she returned to the train to save Rainer. Her decision to align herself with the Dark was all part of the map she created. She intended on destroying the contract when she found him.

Bo brought Rainer back and her troubles only worsened. Her friends were in disbelief over her new love. Given the circumstances that led to Rainer being cursed, I'm a bit frightened for Bo. His ability led to death and destruction once before. And one of the first things that happened when he returned was that he encouraged Bo to help wipe out the Una Mens.

Arabella was threatening to harm all of Bo's loved ones, so she took the offensive to protect them, but could there have been a peaceful resolution? We'll never know now. Trick's warning came too late, though given the circumstances, she probably would have done the same thing.

Bo and Rainer are stronger than ever together with her friends isolated from her. And now there's a huge threat out there ... the powerful seed. Who's bloody hand was grabbing it? I don't even know where to start speculating. It's a threat no matter who has that much power.

While Bo remembered what happened to her and was fighting the Una Mens, Kenzi took a case. She needs to makes some money after all. She convinced Lauren and Dyson to help her figure out how a woman lost her legs in a pool. For the first time, I really enjoyed seeing Lauren and Dyson working together.

They weren't focused on Bo, which was a pleasant shift. Instead, it was about working a case and helping Kenzi. The mermaid twist was unexpected. Even more unexpected was that it was all about a mermaid family feud. They solved the case, but in the end the client and her siblings were bad mermaids and Lauren killed them with tap water.

The case was enjoyable and provided some lighter moments to offset the Bo and Rainer storyline. Death by tap water was messy, but not nearly as bad as the bloody killings of the Una Mens.

"Waves" was the first episode that really felt like Lost Girl of past seasons. That's a promising sign for the last three episodes.

Is Rainer playing Bo?

Waves Review

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Carla Day is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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