Days of Our Lives Recap: JJ Finally Tells the Truth!

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It's about time. JJ finally told Jennifer the truth about the night Teresa OD'd. 

JJ Devereaux is starting to grow on me. Maybe that's because he's finally starting to grow up.

For once he's thinking of other people instead of himself and paying Daniel back for making sure he didn't get thrown in prison. 

But as happy as I was to watch JJ tell Jennifer the truth, I'm not sure what I want to see happen next because I've really grown to dislike Jennifer Rose Horton. Which is surprising, considering I'd grown up watching her and being a huge Jack and Jennifer fan.

I even liked Daniel and Jennifer in the beginning. They made a good pair but I can't say I remember what they looked like as a happy couple.

It's been that long.

Can Dannifer Be Happy?

Unfortunately, Jennifer has become so self righteous, judgmental and reactionary that it takes a lot of will power not to change the channel when she's on the screen. 

So do I want to see her and Daniel get back together? I don't know. They were barely a couple before getting ripped apart over and over again. I'm so tired of that merry-go-round that I'm not sure I'm up for another ride. 

Speaking of judgmental, what's happened to Marlena? She's another character I grew up enjoying but now find insufferable. Is there anyone outside of her own family that she likes. Even her own husband can't seem to stand to he near her…but I hear that might change soon.

Brady was in rare form today as he and Eric went at it yet again. As Eric broke the news about leaving the church, Brady had his own take on it in this Days of Our Lives quote...

So now that you and God have decided to see other people, Nicole can have you.


I know it won't happen but I find myself hoping that Nicole destroyed all the evidence and will keep her mouth shut about it. If she comes forward with the truth now, she's proving everyone right and I suddenly want her and Eric to be happy.

Let's face it, we know it's all going to blow up in her face because that's what happens with Nicole. It's kind of painful to watch. 

Finally we get to EJ and Abigail. 

When Abigail accused EJ of having sex with her because he wasn't getting any at home, I couldn't help but think that she'd gotten it right. Because I don't believe EJ and Abby ever would have happened if he and Sami hadn't been fighting for months on end. 

That's not an excuse. At least EJ admits he's a bad guy. He's done horrible things. On some level we expect bad behavior from him. Abigail, on the other hand is the good girl. She's Jennifer's daughter. She's a Horton. 

So we're shocked when she turns into this crazy home wrecker who is happy to be EJ's other woman. 

I want you. I'm not just going to walk away from this and I don't think you want me to.


As much as EJ enjoys a good roll in  the hay, he definitely wants Abby to go away. But Abby seems intent of going all Fatal Attraction on him if he attempts to break it off. Let's hope the kids don't have a pet bunny.

OK TV Fanatics. I think Sonny Kiriakis had some fantastic lines this week but don't let me sway you. Cast your vote for your favorite line of the week on Days of Our Lives?

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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