Grimm Review: Return to Sender

Grimm Review: Return to Sender

Nick and Monroe send a gruesome message to the reapers that tried to kill him on tonight's Grimmm while Juliette prods more and more into their friendship. Find out if the message and dinner lived up to our expectations in our review!
Posted in: Grimm
Fairly Legal Review: Rebel With a Cause

Fairly Legal Review: Rebel With a Cause

When Kate can't separate her feelings about her former high school from her current mediation, the consequences affect everyone. Justin and Ben have a strange situation with a judge on Fairly Legal.
Posted in: Reviews
The Finder Review: Rat Race

The Finder Review: Rat Race

When Isabel asks Walter to find her friend's inheritance, he finds himself navigating the seedy side of horse racing. Did he get more than he bargained for? Read The Finder review now!
Posted in: The Finder