Revenge Round Table: "Infamy"

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How did Emily Thorne's revenge stack up against her past schemes last week? On whose team are you on, Daniel or Jack? What was your impression of Treadwell?

All these questions and more are posed in the Revenge Round Table below, as panelists Leigh Raines, Chandel Charles, Christine Orlando and Dan Forcella dissect "Infamy." Won't you join them?


Rate Emily's revenge of the week on a scale of 1-10.
Leigh: A big ol' TEN! There were so many different aspects that went into this and using the faux Amanda Clarke was a risk but it went flawlessly. Plus, it all added up to that big reveal.

Chandel: Definitely a 10. Burning Treadwell's house down was unbelievable. Dude was devastated.

Christine: I have to agree. 10. I love how she and Nolan worked together and, even though I saw it coming, there was something extremely satisfying about watching that little weasel's house and dreams burn.

Dan: Make it a clean sweep. This also gets a 10 from me, just because of how over the top it was. All she really needed to do was steal the tapes and burn the memoir, but no, Emily goes for the jugular in burning almost everything the dude owns.

With Daniel rushing into marriage for his mother and Jack turning to his wild side with Amanda, what side are you on now, Team Daniel or Team Jack?
Leigh: Can't I just pick both? Daniel does love Emily, he said as much, even if the marriage is somewhat expedited to help his mother. Jack is just getting played so hard by Faux-Manda it pains me. But I love where his heart is at.

Chandel: I am Team Torn. As much as I adore Jack, I cannot condone his relationship with Amanda. She is too wild for him, or anyone, for that matter. Now that Daniel is seeking revenge on his father by teaming up with mommy dearest, I have no idea whose team I'm on!

Christine: I've never really connected with Jack so I'm still team Daniel. He's head over heels for Emily and he wants to help his mom. I can't really fault him for that.

Dan: Yeah, I used to be up in the air on this one, but Jack has yet to prove to have any kind of a personality, so now I'm full on Team Daniel. Get that money, kid.

What was worse, Treadwell screwing over little Emily/Amanda? Or his fashion sense?
Leigh: I guess with Treadwell's name change came a style change! But screwing over an innocent child is far worse than just some ugly duds. That dude had it coming.

Chandel: Do we have to choose when they were both so bad?!?

Christine: How does he look in the mirror in the morning and think that he looks good? But screwing over a scared, grieving child... he deserved what he got and then some.

Dan: I would send 10 little girls to terrible fates before wearing that suit/bow tie combination. Too harsh? Yeah. Probably.

Who will take the news of Charlotte being David's daughter the worst? The best?
Leigh: Charlotte will probably take it the worst. Her mother basically stated she wishes she had never been born. Charlotte is a total Daddy's girl and suddenly it's not even her real father. Hopefully Conrad doesn't pull away from her, but knowing the Graysons, he will probably use it in his divorce battle.

Chandel: The worst? Clearly Conrad. It will devastate him, if not simply make him more angry. Daniel might also have a really hard time. The worst could also be Charlotte. It turns her whole world upside down. The best? Is there any way to take the news that might completely change everything you thought you knew? I don't think so!

Christine: Oh, definitely Charlotte. Poor kid will be in a tail spin after this. I've got to wonder if Conrad suspects something since he knew about Victoria's relationship with David or if his ego won't allow him to go there.

Dan: I think there's a good chance Conrad already had an idea that this was the case, so Charlotte will definitely take it the worst. Who will take it the best? Nolan of course. This is exactly the type of thing that will get him excited.

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Revenge Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

I share a last name with the CEO. You'd think I'd have less to prove, not more.


Infamy can be a sentence more damning than any prison term.
