Futurama Review: "Cold Warriors"

at .

What, exactly, was that?

I was at a serious loss by the end of "Cold Warriors" because, while I enjoyed Fry and learning more about his backstory, and while his dad cracked some decent jokes, not once did I actually laugh. Not even a snort.

Cold Warriors Scene

In fact, at the end, when Fry was finally acknowledged by his father, I choked up a bit.

But that is not enough of an excuse for the episode as a whole. While I’m usually a fan of the “deadly-virus-quarantines-everyone” episode theme, there just wasn’t anything humorous about it. Bender taking care of everyone wasn’t funny. The Professor accepting his death multiple times sounds good on paper, but, again, wasn’t funny. Not even Leela was enough to save it.

Overall, “Cold Warriors” left me frigid, despite these Futurama quotes:

Bender: Can we please go home and die now? | permalink

Zapp: Blow them to Bac-o-Bits with a well placed warning shot... Oops. | permalink

Title Card: We're following you, but not on Twitter. | permalink

Cold Warriors Review

Editor Rating: 2.5 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.1 / 5.0 (14 Votes)
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Futurama Season 8 Episode 11 Quotes

Leela: Where's that Chicken Soup we asked for?
Bender: Chicken, water, fire. You take it from there.

We're following you, but not on Twitter.

Title Card