Sons of Anarchy Scoop: Charlie Hunnam and Ron Perlman on Decisions, Devolution Ahead

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How will Jax weigh club life and family life? Will he finally take the next step with Tara? For how much longer can Clay and his debilitating hands hold on to the title of SAMCRO President?

I asked these questions to Sons of Anarchy stars Charlie Hunnam and Ron Perlman prior to their Comic-Con panel on Sunday. Find out why the former thinks Tara is "wife material" in the interview below:

Check out our exclusive with Katey Sagal and Kurt Sutter, as well, and then watch the following video to answer the pressing question: Are Hunnam and Perlman TV Fanatics?!?

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Sons of Anarchy Quotes

Jax: Some days you're the Beamer, some days you're the goddamn deer.
Chibs: Some yuppie creamed it out by the streams.
Jax: He run into it or hit a tree while it was giving him head?
Half-Sack: How the hell you want me to get it out of there? (Jax gets a chainsaw) Come on. Jesus, man.
Jax: Just pretend its carve your on steak night at the sizzler.
Half-Sack: I don't eat meat, man.
Jax: Figure it out, grunt.

A true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. The outcome is the balance of might and right.

Jax Teller [voiceover, reading his fathers memoirs]