The Good Wife Review: "Real Deal"

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The Good Wife is adept at strong, intelligent, well-paced storytelling. For all of its positive traits, though, an ability to surprise the viewer with a twist or turn is not typically among them.

But my jaw is still a bit sore from hitting the ground, following the events on "Real Deal." I never doubted the lengths Bond would go to in order to secure his takeover of the firm, but I still found myself shocked by the revelation that he was the spy behind Alicia's computer tapping.

Take him down, Diane and Will. And then come up with a cooler way to celebrate than that behind-the-back high-five.

Canning, Will and Diane

This was a very tight episode.

With storylines flying all around on season two - Kalinda vs. Blake, Bond vs. the firm, Alicia vs. Will's voicemail/her feelings, Peter vs. Wendy and Childs, Cary vs. his old company - viewers were treated to a focused hour that gave us a satisfying B plot (Will and Tammy's burgeoning relationship) and a main story that nicely combined the case of the week with the overall tension at Lockhart & Gardner.

The installment also provided a great platform for two entertaining guest stars. It's impossible to say enough good things about Michael J. Fox and the unique way in which The Good Wife is utilizing his acting ability/disease.

I did prefer his initial appearance on the show more than this one, however, only because it was the first time we got to see cagey Louis Canning exploit his disability and make Alicia question a job supposedly well done on her end. His role on "Real Deal" wasn't a far departure from what we saw from him on "Poisoned Pill."

The same can maybe be said about Denis O'Hare, who appeared again as a light-hearted, activist judge. But I still couldn't get enough of his character. Providing comic relief without going over the top or distracting from the storyline, O'Hare also winked a bit at his role on season three of True Blood. In that instance, he was draining humans; in this one, he's trying to get everyone in his courtroom to help replenish them.

No Cary this week, but a cameo by Method Man. Can't say I saw that one coming.

I'll conclude this review with a question: does anyone else wish to shake the hand of the writer who decided to abandon the Will/Alicia/Peter love triangle for a majority of season two? Placing that dilemma on the backburner has allowed the show to make great use of its overall cast and to feature a number of intriguing storylines, all of which intersect and all of which capture my interest on a weekly basis.

I'm sure we'll hear more about Alicia and Will in the future, but as long as The Good Wife continues to feature fascinating cases and layered feuds, I'm happy to wait.

Real Deal Review

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Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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