90210 Clip: Bad News for Naomi...

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On this Monday's all-new episode of 90210, it will totally be on between Annie and Emily. See what we mean via the official preview for "It's High Time."

But while these two cousins slug it out, Naomi will be dealing with a different kind of obstacle: in a meeting with her guidance counselor, most viewers' favorite character will receive disappointing news.

It may even alter her future. To what are we referring? Find out in the following sneak peek.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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The emotions and the issues are very real... these characters have real layers that will all peel away very, very slowly.

Shenae Grimes

It's not a mom and dad who are home eating bon bons. It's a couple who's f%$k!

Rob Estes