Private Practice Sneak Previews: "What Happens Next"

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Last week's Private Practice took place entirely in the hours following the brutal sexual assault on Charlotte. It was titled "Did You Hear What Happened to Charlotte King?"

Tomorrow night's episode is also fittingly titled. "What Happens Next" features her return to the office, but attempts to resume a normal life are harder than she expects.

This stunning turn of events has rippled through the other characters' lives, as well. In this first clip, Addison (naked) tells Sam (also naked!) about a crisis of conscience ...

Follow the jump for four more clips, in which Cooper does what he can to protect the woman he loves, while Addison and Amelia each try to do what they can to help her:

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Private Practice Quotes

I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches