90210 Round Table: "I See London, I See France"

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90210 viewers were welcomed to The Undies this week. What did you think of the episode "I See London, I See France?" We've reviewed it in detail HERE.

But there's always more to say. Hence, the latest edition of the TV Fanatic Round Table. Sound off on the following topics in our Comments section and/or our 90210 forum...

What was your favorite scene from the episode?
M.L. House: Gotta go with Dixon and Navid forcing Teddy to stop driving that car while high. It was an important lesson for us all.

LJ Gibbs: Oscar and Naomi choosing to Bing - and decide! Seriously, it was cool to see these two team up.

The Barnacle: I liked everything about The Undies. It was a fun time all around, and made Teddy realize that Ian is actually a rather cool guy. Yes, guy. Deal with who you are, buddy.

Do you want Silver and Navid to date?
M.L. House: The show is clearly hinting at this possibility, isn't it? I'm on board for Nilver. Both these characters have had very little to do all season, so let's get them into bed and see what happens!

LJ Gibbs: No way. Silver is still Adrianna's good friend, no matter how much that singer might be blinded by fame. You just don't date any friend's serious ex, right, ladies?

The Barnacle: I don't care. But I do wanna see more of Navid's father's videos!

Will Dixon forgive Ivy?
M.L. House: Yes, after all (copyright, Ross Geller on Friends)... they were on a break!!!

LJ Gibbs: It will take awhile. I'm a fan of this storyline because viewers can see both sides. We can all understand why Ivy slept with Oscar, can't we? But it's also easy to comprehend why this is so hard to digest for Dixon.

The Barnacle: Better question: Will Dixon do or say anything of interest the rest of this season? Odds are 8:1 against.

Is this the last we've seen of Mr. Canon?
M.L. House: No way. That evil Brit is up to something, as I bet he causes serious problems down the road for both Naomi and Ryan, maybe even threatening the latter in some indirect way because he really holds the key to this case as a witness.

LJ Gibbs: I hope so. 90210 has treated this storyline with the respect it deserves, but it's simply been... boring.

The Barnacle: No. He'll probably show up on TV in the stands of a Chelsea soccer game.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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