True Blood Review: Breaking, Bloody News!

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Russell ended this episode of True Blood by threatening mankind and then turning the news back over to the weather report.

But we already know the forecast: stormy, with a great chance of petrified humans and serious bloodshed!

Indeed, "Everything is Broken" picked up right where last week's installment ended. Russell was overflowing with anger and sadness over Talbot's death, but he's not one to react out of emotion. Guess 3,000 years of living can help one formulate more effective revenge plots.

Instead of simply attacking Eric and/of the America Vampire League, Russell took his plan one giant step further. By appearing on national television and shooting down the Vampire Rights Amendment, he created a widespread panic for humans and blood suckers. Well played, crazy king.

Russell Photo

As for that Vampire League and its spokesperson, Nan Flanagan, it goes a long way toward showing why True Blood is so much more than breasts and blood. It's both funny and fascinating to hear her discuss politics. It's a reminder that there's a lot more at stake here than the feuds we see on a weekly basis.

It can be easy to forget that Eric, for example, is merely the Sheriff of one territory. It's easy for viewers to forget, we should say. In that great, emotional scene between Eric and Pam, it was clear that the former is aware of his relative meaningless place on earth.

He wants Pam to become a Maker, which would become an intriguing storyline if it plays out - and proves that Eric is aware the world will continue to spin once he's gone. He just wants his bloodline to continue, something to which many men can actually relate.

Meanwhile... why couldn't you speak faster, Bill Compton?!? You're really gonna make us wait until next week to learn what the heck Sookie (and, I assume, her newly-discovered nephew) is?!?

Both Sookie and Bill have now gone to the Land of the Light, as I'll call it, which begs the question: Who summoned them there? Claudine may have done the job for Sookie because she had a message for her, but Claudine clearly did NOT expect to see Bill. How did he get there?!?

Other thoughts/observations from the episode:

  • Can we trust Jesus? As Lafayette himself said, the guy seems almost too good to be true.
  • Are we finally headed for a Jason/Tara hook-up? There wasn't much point in bringing back Franklin, except that it gave Jason a chance to come to Tara's rescue.
  • As cute as Jason's dimness can be, it's forcing the Crystal storyline to feel dragged out. Based on other supernatural species all around him, would Jason really not ask if Crystal is more than human, after her constant references to what her family can do?!? Let's get this (were-panther?) plot moving a bit!
  • Silly, Sam, letting your brother's taunting get to you.
  • Eric's confession/admission to The Authority may have been Alexander Skarsgard's best work to date. The actor can go from incredibly scary, to vulnerable, with a couple of glances. He remains sexy at all times, of course.

As you weigh in on this week's episode, get an early look now at WHAT'S AHEAD on the 8/22/10 installment of the show.

Everything Is Broken Review

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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (68 Votes)

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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True Blood Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

I don't know how you did things in the 1800s, but keeping a file on the woman you love is... creepy.


Just once I'd like to not find a dead body in my house. Is that asking too much?


True Blood Season 3 Episode 9 Music

  Song Artist
How to Become Clairvoyant Robbie Robertson iTunes
Song Tricked Out Disposable Youth
Heart of Steel Galactic iTunes