Grey's Anatomy Spoilers: Another Love Triangle is Toast!

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We've already covered the impending demise of one Grey's Anatomy love triangle this offseason, with reports suggesting that the Owen-Cristina-Teddy triangle will soon be history.

Now it looks like another cloudy romantic picture will clear up, STAT.

Father of Sloan
Lexie. Lexie Grey.
Karev Pic

Drs. Sloan, Grey and Karev. [Photos: ABC]

Entertainment Weekly reports that by the end of the seventh season premiere of Grey's Anatomy September 23, the Alex-Lexie-Mark love triangle no longer exists!

Why is that? Read on and see ...

“At the end of the season Alex was asking for Izzie,” Shonda Rhimes says. “It’s really hard to feel like there’s a love triangle going on if the man Lexie loves is clearly asking for another woman. And she’s very clear on that by the time the [season premiere] is over.”

Well ... that settles that. Or does it?

If Lexie breaks it off with Alex (whose closure with Izzie has yet to be found), as this suggests, does that open the door for a romantic reconciliation with Mark Sloan?

Moreover, might Mark and Lexie be the surprise proposal in the second episode of the season? Share your thoughts and theories with us by leaving comments below!

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

COOPER: "It's wrong?"
NAOMI: "You need to meet a grown up. You need to date someone your own age."
VIOLET: "Someone without a porny internet name and perhaps no criminal past."
NAOMI: "A nice girl."
VIOLET: "A reliable girl."
NAOMI: "Someone who you can have a relationship with."
VIOLET: "You’re a respected doctor."
NAOMI: "Go out in the real world. Meet a woman your own age and go out."
VIOLET: "Be a man."

ADDISON: "You work with your ex-husband in a shrine for your ex-husband."
NAOMI: "It’s actually a good book. And we're friends. And we stayed friends after we divorced. It’s very healthy. We're healthy."
ADDISON: "What happened between you and Sam?"
NAOMI: "Addison, you and I were close in med school, but it was a long time ago."
ADDISON: "Oh, Naomi. Come on. You can’t stay mad at me forever. I know you."