David Goyer Forecasts Future of FlashForward

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There was great news for fans of FlashForward last week: the drama delivered a suspenseful, well-paced, intriguing episode for the first time in a long time.

The installment, however, was quickly followed by bad news: the series won't return with new episodes until March.

Why the delay? Where does the show go from here? Producer/writer David Goyer spoke with Entertainment Weekly about it all, revealing a few FlashForward spoilers along the way. Excerpts follow...

On the new schedule: "We originally planned to come back in January, but about three weeks ago we sat down with ABC scheduling and looked at what our programming schedule would be like. And I think on serialized show like 24, Lost, and Prison Break the most important thing is to air consecutive episodes without repeats or preemptions... We’d rather bite the bullet, come back in March, and air all 13 episodes consecutively without preemptions."


On the second half of the season: "We feel like we have all the chess pieces on the board and now we can just knock the dominos over and watch them fall in interesting ways. I kind of feel like we did when we got into working on The Dark Knight after finishing Batman Begins: we got done with the origin story, we don’t have to do that anymore, we can now hit the ground running."

On upcoming reveals: "We’ve only seen part of Mark’s flash-forward so far, but when we come back in episode 11, you’ll see all of it. And you’re also going to find out pretty early on when we come back who Suspect Zero is."

You can read the full interview at EW.com.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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FlashForward Quotes

I didn't just lose consciousness; my consciousness went somewhere else.

Mark Benford

We've been saying people have been blacking out, but that wasn't my experience. More like a dream.

Mark Benford