Amanda Seyfried: Exiting Big Love

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The big screen is calling a star of Big Love.

Amanda Seyfried, who has portrayed Bill Paxton’s oldest child Sarah since the drama debuted in 2006, will be leaving to pursue a burgeoning film career.

"She's been exploring her movie career for a couple of years now, and we've been giving her a lot of room to do that,” Big Love creator Will Scheffer told TV Guide Magazine. “I know having a commitment to a show for six months definitely cuts into her ability to pursue that career."

Amanda Seyfried on Big Love

In the season's eighth episode - there will only be nine total this year - Sarah will leave the family, Scheffer confirms, saying simply: “She's moving away."

Until that point, Seyfried will have plenty to do on the HBO hit: her character will be getting hitched in the third episode, which causes series drama involving her disappointed parents.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Big Love Quotes

Sarah: Why can't we just hire a babysitter like everyone else?
Barb: Because we're not everyone else

Margene: Does that mean you miss me more?
Bill: Officially... I miss you guys all the same.