Tonight's Episode: "The Wild Brunch"

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Tonight, in its new time slot (8 p.m.), the second episode of the freshman season of Gossip Girl will air on the CW. "The Wild Brunch" is a good one, and we look forward to this encore presentation.

Follow the link above four our official recap of this early Gossip Girl episode. We also have sections devoted to Gossip Girl quotes, pictures and music from this episode, as well as our

Good Friends

   Good friends Chuck and Nate wonder who this kid thinks he is.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Gossip Girl Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.