Zachary Quinto Featured in USA Today

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Hey, Zachary!
It may be difficult for fans to stop clamoring over Kristen Bell actually guest starring on Heroes for a chunk of season two, but USA Today recently featured another star of the show.

The nationwide newspaper focused on Zachary Quinto, specifically his role as Mr. Spock in the next Star Trek installment. Below are excerpts from the article...

Quinto and Leonard Nimoy have become fast friends since meeting briefly at San Diego's Comic-Con sci-fi convention last month. They had more time to connect during a recent tour of the Griffith Observatory and a dinner together at Nimoy's home.

Though there is speculation about how Abrams will make use of both Spocks in the film, no one is talking. "I honestly … can't say," Quinto said. Or, well, didn't say.

A tiny clue, though, may be revealed when he adds: "I think there's going to be a sense of guidance through this film and beyond."

In Nimoy, meanwhile, Quinto has found a father figure of sorts.

His father, John, a Pittsburgh hairdresser, died of cancer when Quinto was 7. "That sort of changed the dynamic of the family," he recalls, adding that he was "pretty independent at a young age." He and older brother Joe (now working in L.A. as a photographer) were raised by their mother, Margo, who worked at an investment firm and, later, at the county magistrate's office.

Having performed in school productions and studied theater in college, Quinto says acting "is the only thing I ever wanted to do."

But Star Trek was never a show he got into. Rather, he preferred Disney's Duck Tales cartoon and ABC's 20/20. He still does a spot-on impression of that show's former host, Barbara Walters.

After graduating from Carnegie Mellon University, Quinto lived in New York before moving to L.A. in 1999. The self-described "homebody" is single and currently rents a one-bedroom house in the artsy Silverlake section of L.A. with two furry roommates: Noah, an Irish wolfhound/terrier mix, and Harold, a cat rescued from the streets. He says:

"I prefer having friends over for quiet gatherings more than I ever like to go to clubs, though I do that, too. I actually have a reputation among my (Heroes) castmates for being a partier."

He has found many close friends among the colorful cast of Heroes, which includes Hayden Panettiere, Masi Oka and Milo Ventimiglia. Quinto considers the hit series  his first big break. But some might recognize him as Tori Spelling's gay friend on her 2006 series, So NoTORIous.

Though VH1 canceled the show, Quinto's friendship with Spelling continues. He met her baby son, Liam, at a Malibu beach party that was attended, he jokes, by "25 of her closest friends and 40 of her closest paparazzi friends."

Quinto, a yoga disciple, was careful not to play the So NoTORIous character as overly flamboyant so as to avoid typecasting — a problem he's prepared to encounter after playing two such high-profile iconic roles: Heroes' Sylar and Trek's Spock. "Hollywood's track record isn't great in terms of (typecasting)," he says with a shrug.

In November, he will check out of Heroes to beam aboard Trek's 85-day shoot. He says 11 stages have been built on the Paramount lot, and two weeks will be spent shooting in Iceland.

"I really identify with Spock's struggle," he says. "We're going back to a time before anything (Nimoy did in the original series) was established. These characters are in a completely different stage of their lives."

After he turns in his Spock ears, Quinto hopes to live long and prosper on the series that made him a star. "If I could be on Heroes for the next 10 years, I would absolutely do that. But when something like this (movie) comes along, and you step away from one thing to do another thing, you never know what the future holds."

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


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