An Interview with Jessica Leccia

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Ah, Jessica Leccia. She's one of the most beautiful soap opera stars out there.

Recently, Soap Opera Digest caught up with this Guiding Light actress. Here are excerpts of the interview:

Jessica Leccia Picture
Soap Opera Digest: The last time we spoke, you were reveling in the bliss of GL's big Emmy wins. Are you still riding the wave of excitement?
Jessica Leccia: I still get giddy to go in [to work]. I'm still very grateful to be there. I'm not sure that'll ever go away. I try to stay humble, you know. I'm so happy to be there and it's really a joy to go to work. I'm getting to know everybody more and more...and loving them!

Digest: This is your first recurring daytime role. Did anyone help you learn the ropes on the set?
Leccia: Kind of everybody. I actually thought it was strange how friendly everyone was [laughs]! You see the same people every day and you get kind of warm and mushy with everyone. Everyone was very, very helpful.

Digest: Do people recognize you from the show?
Leccia: No, not really. [At] the few fan events I've been to, obviously I'm recognized because those people are looking for me, but I've had some comments on how different I look from Natalia. I think that's part of what it is. I maybe spend a little more time on my hair or wear more makeup than Natalia does. She's exhausted, that one!

Digest: Do you think "Gush" fans have warmed up to Natalia?
Leccia: I think so far, people are still up in the air about it. This is a major couple we're dealing with. I expect people to be up in the air for a while.

Digest: Do you fear she'll always be viewed as an interloper?
Leccia: There's no way of getting around that. There's two people in love and there's all this other business. It's hard to be objective about that.

Digest: What's it like playing a mother?
Leccia: Once I met E.J. Bonilla, I told him right away I have an 18-year-old brother. I was like, "Oh, my God, he's exactly like my younger brother," who I'm very used to mothering. It came a lot easier than I thought it would.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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